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Jackie (2009)


Nobel prize winner Elfriede Jelinek’s play is the deconstruction of one of the biggest myths of the western society, the myth of Jackie Kennedy Onassis. The text combines biographical elements, the story of the Kennedy family through an audiovisual retrospection and Roland Barthe’ s theory of the costume, as presented in his survey about fashion.



Jackie as a dramatis persona is presented through three different points of view : a realistic point (Jacqueline Bouvier, the big bourgeoise), a symbolic point (as an icon model and an absolut fashion symbol), and as a public figure (as constructed by the international press). In this way, Jackie becomes a constantly changing person, playing different roles the one after the other, condemned never to be able to find her true identity.


Translation: Yorgos Depastas
Direction-Sets-Costumes: Antzela Brouskou
Lighting: Maria Athanasopoulou
Videos: Nikos Pastras


With Sofia Seirli